Hello Bloggers!

…got home 20mins ago from work. It was a good day at work. I didn’t really have much to do. I spoke with Kokomma earlier on in the day ; she was so delighted at her new job. It her second at work and from all indications, she’s enjoying it. She particularly delighted about her office. She asked me to come see it but i said not now. I will pay her a snappy visit after her 1 month in the job. She pleaded i drive through from office to take her home . It’s a long drive and off the city centre but i did…i have to…i needed to…she’s my girl. I dropped her off not quite long ago before coming home. I got some movies along the way to keep myself company. 

I am going to have my bath now,eat and get on with my movies.

– Edet

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